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big master

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category Romanceauthor QuMaoDeLaoShustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1669748 Wordslatest update 2024-06-29
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 0
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big masterBrief introduction:

【Introduction to the regular version】: I am a master at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting; I am a master at astrology and divination; I am still a master at picking up girls in fights!  What did you say?  I don't know how to give birth to children, but I am a master at letting beautiful women give birth to children!
【Introduction to Literary Youth Edition】: Looking back five hundred times in the past life in exchange for meeting you in this life!  Girl, when your hair grows to your waist, how about I marry you?
【Introduction to the second-hand version】: Xuanyuan Huangdi has three thousand maidens and they ascend in the daytime, I must be more than him!  Why do you say?  Just because I am a great master!

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      big masterlatest chapter:Text Chapter 352 Control the whole world

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