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Lu Xiaoyao caused chaos in the Three Kingdoms

Lu Xiaoyao caused chaos in the Three Kingdoms最新章节列表,Lu Xiaoyao caused chaos in the Three Kingdoms全文阅读

category Historicauthor ZiLongDiXingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 758236 Wordslatest update 2024-06-29
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Lu Xiaoyao caused chaos in the Three KingdomsBrief introduction:

Lu Feng was smoking and was struck by lightning. He struck him as he asked, but Lu Feng, who was still struck, traveled through time, and he traveled through time. In the end, Lu Feng discovered that he had actually borrowed a corpse to return to life.
Lu Feng pointed to the sky and shouted: "Damn it, sir, has anything more messy happened to me~~!!"
Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky "Boom!!"
Lu Feng blew black smoke from his mouth and cursed: "Don't wait for people to play with people like this..."

      Keywords:Lu Xiaoyao caused chaos in the Three Kingdoms ZiLongDiXing Lu Xiaoyao caused chaos in the Three KingdomsRead the full text Lu Xiaoyao caused chaos in the Three KingdomsTXT download

      Lu Xiaoyao caused chaos in the Three Kingdomslatest chapter:Volume 1: The Beginning of the Late Han Dynasty Chapter 197: Li Su Wants to Surrender

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