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director legend

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category Romanceauthor BaiShiYiChongJingJiestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1597966 Wordslatest update 2024-06-28
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 0
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director legendBrief introduction:

Reborn in the spring of 2004, he progressed from a corpse actor in Hengdian to a great director who is the king of the world.
Shao Shuaijun grew up step by step and wrote a legendary path as a director.
Those good or not good stories happened.
The bad things just pass by.
Never miss the wonderful things.
"I am a director..."
When Shao Shuaijun turned white-haired, he smiled knowingly.
I am a director and I am not ashamed of my work. In this way, I will have no regrets in my life.

      Keywords:director legend BaiShiYiChongJingJie director legendRead the full text director legendTXT download

      director legendlatest chapter:Text 0396 [Final Finale: I am a director]

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