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category Fantasyauthor XiaFeistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 408950 Wordslatest update 2024-06-28
total hits 114Month hits 0Week hits 0
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sanctificationBrief introduction:

The sword dances across the sky, and the blood splashes thousands of miles!
Kill the gods and immortals, and the demonic nature will wax and wane!
Arrogant and unruly, he cultivates martial arts and forges swords, uses martial arts to become a demon, transforms from a demon into a great sage, and walks out on a different path!
(An authentic oriental fantasy feast, I hope you all like it, the new book is pink and tender, please support it, I will never let you down!)

      Keywords:sanctification XiaFei sanctificationRead the full text sanctificationTXT download

      sanctificationlatest chapter:Volume 1 086 Flying Star War (1)

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