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Prehistoric Xuansong Road

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category Wuxiaauthor LiSeFostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2576689 Wordslatest update 2024-07-29
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Prehistoric Xuansong RoadBrief introduction:

In the early days of the prehistoric times, Li Song became a small pine seedling at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. By chance, a section of its huge root system was first cut off by the saint Taiqing to make a pole, and then cut and pulled out by the saint Nuwa for use in making people.  , planted a deep karma with these two saints, it turns out that this small pine tree is an innate spiritual root...

      Keywords:Prehistoric Xuansong Road LiSeFo Prehistoric Xuansong RoadRead the full text Prehistoric Xuansong RoadTXT download

      Prehistoric Xuansong Roadlatest chapter:Chapter 4 Enlightenment 167 Fuxi’s old friend

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