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Heavenly magic

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category Wuxiaauthor YunLeiTianYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1949577 Wordslatest update 2024-06-28
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Heavenly magicBrief introduction:

The ghost chef Ye Yiyun inexplicably became the head of the sect, and also inexplicably fell into the conspiracy.
Just when he was cursing the trick of fate, he accidentally discovered that the pressure cooker had traveled through time with him.
And this pressure cooker can make elixirs, treasures, girls...
I have written "Chaos Cultivation Technique", "Fighting Soul" and "Hongmeng Holy King" on his website. The total number of words is nearly 10 million. Please feel free to collect it.

      Keywords:Heavenly magic YunLeiTianYu Heavenly magicRead the full text Heavenly magicTXT download

      Heavenly magiclatest chapter:Text Chapter 437: Transcendence from Reincarnation and Becoming a God

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