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magic tower

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category Fantasyauthor DuErstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2881779 Wordslatest update 2024-06-28
total hits 11Month hits 0Week hits 0
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magic towerBrief introduction:

Do you want to have a magic tower of your own?
In this era when the lion king raises his head and roars, and the torrent of iron cavalry sweeps thousands of miles,
In this world where heroes fight for supremacy with swords and servants of God spread glory,
Protect what you want to protect, look for what you want to find,
On the top of the tower, look down at the world!

      Keywords:magic tower DuEr magic towerRead the full text magic towerTXT download

      magic towerlatest chapter:Volume 4 Violet Tower 779 Messenger

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