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category Wuxiaauthor ZhanPaoRanXiestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 7524525 Wordslatest update 2024-07-29
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DaoguoBrief introduction:

A question: What is Tao?
Answer: The Tao of sex is God, the Tao of destiny is immortality, and the Tao of immortality is Tao.
Second question: What is the great road?
Answer: Life is the first avenue.
Three questions: Why do you think it is the great road?
Answer: If I punch you and my life is taken away, what else will you practice?
Born as a god, transformed into three bodies of life, can cultivate the unparalleled avenue;
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Traveling across the world and striving for just one stick of incense.

      Keywords:Daoguo ZhanPaoRanXie DaoguoRead the full text DaoguoTXT download

      Daoguolatest chapter:Text Chapter 554: Chenglong spreads the Tao, and the human heart is the seed

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