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Xia Mingpu

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category Fantasyauthor LiaXunLaoTouErstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 25082 Wordslatest update 2024-06-27
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Xia MingpuBrief introduction:

The best form of youth, in my opinion, is three vigorous moments.
Have a vigorous game.
Love vigorously.
Do it vigorously.
Our heroine Lu Yuxuan was originally an ordinary high school student.  But by chance, she actually traveled to the Song Dynasty.  There, she met her best friend; she met her most beloved man.  She is satisfied and ready to spend her life here.  But at this moment, a terrible and crisis-ridden task was placed in front of her.  Can she finish it?  Can her name be engraved on the chivalrous book and be admired by all generations?
Please wait and see.

      Keywords:Xia Mingpu LiaXunLaoTouEr Xia MingpuRead the full text Xia MingpuTXT download

      Xia Mingpulatest chapter:Text Chapter 8 The appetite is not big

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