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Reborn Heavy Armored Thief

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category Sci-fiauthor -HuangYuan-status serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2369991 Wordslatest update 2024-06-27
total hits 9Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Reborn Heavy Armored ThiefBrief introduction:

????????? The family is broken up, everyone is dead, the one he loves is lost, and the love and hate cannot be separated... Yue Tian is considered a failure enough to live like this.
And together with the culprit who caused all this, he was wiped out in a violent explosion, avenging his blood.  It should be regarded as the only successful thing in my life.
Yue Tian was unwilling to give up. Fortunately, fate gave him a chance.  Yue Tian was reborn and returned to his 19 years old - that year, everything was fine.
That year, his parents were still alive, that year he had just met Zhao Xinyi, and that year, the game that changed the world - "Reincarnation" was officially released.
So Yue Tian came back, bringing all his experiences and memories with him.
What is lost, what is missed, what is taken away, everything must be taken back!  Never let go!!
"The first hidden career competition in "Reincarnation" has officially begun!"
"What? Tell me more carefully, ten of you warriors were chased and hacked by a thief?"
"How come that thick-skinned MT opposite has disappeared... Oh my god, he is behind you!"
"Maybe one day someone will defeat me, but that's not today, and that person... won't be you!"

      Keywords:Reborn Heavy Armored Thief -HuangYuan- Reborn Heavy Armored ThiefRead the full text Reborn Heavy Armored ThiefTXT download

      Reborn Heavy Armored Thieflatest chapter:Text Chapter 642 Final Thoughts

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