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Invincible cultivation

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category Romanceauthor ChangGeYangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 244792 Wordslatest update 2024-06-27
total hits 11Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Invincible cultivationBrief introduction:

"In the vast sea of ????people, there is a group of transcendent immortals with inhuman power. They are detached from the city, but they control huge wealth and power. Those superficially glamorous families are just their servants.
When one "immortal" falls, their servant family will also be destroyed overnight and divided up by the servants of other immortals.
When Yang Yide received the inheritance of cultivation in the distant Tianyuan Galaxy, he stood on the opposite side of the group of so-called immortals...
Let’s see how Yang Yi, who has acquired a rich alien cultivation inheritance, educates those “immortals” who only have a poor cultivation inheritance.

      Keywords:Invincible cultivation ChangGeYang Invincible cultivationRead the full text Invincible cultivationTXT download

      Invincible cultivationlatest chapter:Text Chapter 68 The Magical Hands of the Immortal Doctor

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