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Bodhi Immortal Lord

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category Wuxiaauthor MoLiYunKongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 350523 Wordslatest update 2024-07-29
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Bodhi Immortal LordBrief introduction:

Bodhi is Sanskrit, and its transliteration is enlightenment.  The Bodhi Immortal is the Great Enlightenment Golden Immortal.
?????????????? How does a son of an official family, who suffers from his stepmother’s plot, becomes terminally ill, and loses his father’s favor, get out of the predicament in life?  Keep improving yourself and choose life correctly.  Eventually, he will become a Dharma King. Dharma King will inspire the wisdom of mankind and heaven; he will escape the suffering of the underworld.  Chuanzheng. The eye of the Dharma hides the vast and infinite karma.
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      Keywords:Bodhi Immortal Lord MoLiYunKong Bodhi Immortal LordRead the full text Bodhi Immortal LordTXT download

      Bodhi Immortal Lordlatest chapter:Text Chapter 20: Offering sacrifices to the gourd to clear up the enchanting atmosphere.

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