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Five Elements True Immortal

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category Wuxiaauthor ChengBingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 446250 Wordslatest update 2024-06-27
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Five Elements True ImmortalBrief introduction:

A talented young man with the spiritual roots of the Five Elements takes his original dream to create his own path of cultivation!
The Xianmen sect is originally full of immortality, but it hides countless insidious plots!
The seemingly gentle and kind-hearted young man is extremely dark inside!
There are countless conspiracies hidden behind countless adventures!
Good people may not be trustworthy, but bad people are not useless!
What seems like a lofty and glorious dream has a difficult road ahead!
If Xu Ling was given another chance to choose again, he would rather live an ordinary life!

      Keywords:Five Elements True Immortal ChengBing Five Elements True ImmortalRead the full text Five Elements True ImmortalTXT download

      Five Elements True Immortallatest chapter:Tianyuan Continent 120 Killing Golden Pill

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