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Raise eyebrows

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category Comicsauthor MoZuistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1628044 Wordslatest update 2024-06-24
total hits 24Month hits 2Week hits 0
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Raise eyebrowsBrief introduction:

On the eve of an invitational tournament with news of the king's retirement hidden behind it, a young man suddenly appeared and defeated almost all the professional masters who were the favorites to win the championship. The story begins here...
(Like my "Rogue Master", this is a novel that people who have never played any games can understand and enjoy)
Another note: The first volume is written in the Gulong style. The plot is relatively concise, but some book friends may find it too dull. But it doesn’t matter. Soon after the beginning of the second volume, it is my lascivious writing style, and it is cleverly turned into a completely guilt-free style.  It's raunchy, so if you like the Rogue Master style, you can even start watching it directly from the second volume.

      Keywords:Raise eyebrows MoZui Raise eyebrowsRead the full text Raise eyebrowsTXT download

      Raise eyebrowslatest chapter:Text Chapter 123 Finale

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