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Smart Industrial Empire

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category Romanceauthor HuLuCunRenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 7527104 Wordslatest update 2024-05-14
total hits 157Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Smart Industrial EmpireBrief introduction:

China is the world's largest machine tool producer, and it is also the world's largest machine tool consumer. However, due to the blockade of Western countries, it is difficult to get the most high-end precision machine tools. Even if you can get it, you will still face the difficulties faced by Western developed countries.  of blackmail.
A young engineer from twenty years later, in an era full of opportunities and challenges, relying on his familiarity with various CNC machine tools of later generations, wants to change this alien world, which is also called China's national high-end machine tool market, which is monopolized by foreigners.  situation.
When he started to turn his attention to high-end machine tools full of opportunities, he realized how difficult it was to change this situation. There were no talents, no funds, and no hardware facilities...
(This book is not for beginners, and the early stage YY is limited, so please enter with caution!)

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      Smart Industrial Empirelatest chapter:Simple Four-axis Final Remarks

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