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Crazy Tai Sui

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category Romanceauthor ZuiAiChiLiangGaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2761925 Wordslatest update 2024-05-13
total hits 22Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Crazy Tai SuiBrief introduction:

A Tai Sui that can change the genes of animals and plants has brought about earth-shaking changes in Lin Qiubai's life. Let's see how a small farmer uses Tai Sui to embark on a prosperous road.

      Keywords:Crazy Tai Sui ZuiAiChiLiangGao Crazy Tai SuiRead the full text Crazy Tai SuiTXT download

      Crazy Tai Suilatest chapter:Text Chapter 589 Postscript (Finale)

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