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Urban Beast King

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category Fantasyauthor ShiDaiShaZhustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1641413 Wordslatest update 2024-05-13
total hits 34Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Urban Beast KingBrief introduction:

??A little urban veterinarian accidentally discovered a mysterious method, so he had the ability to control all kinds of beasts and compose an urban divine song.
An earthworm?  It doesn't matter, you can evolve into a dragon at the fingertips of the protagonist.
A little sparrow?  Oh, you can become a phoenix under the training of the protagonist.
A little lizard?  It is said that this is the predecessor of the Western Dragon, but it is indeed much different than the Azure Dragon clan.
The grass dog evolves into the roaring dog, the long snake turns into a green dragon, everything becomes mysterious and incredible, let's take a look at the fantasy journey of cultivation of the little urban veterinarian.

      Keywords:Urban Beast King ShiDaiShaZhu Urban Beast KingRead the full text Urban Beast KingTXT download

      Urban Beast Kinglatest chapter:Text Chapter 356 Ending

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