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Who will compete with in the green field?

Who will compete with in the green field?最新章节列表,Who will compete with in the green field?全文阅读

category Comicsauthor JiuHuoJiangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3268485 Wordslatest update 2024-05-13
total hits 33Month hits 0Week hits 0
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Who will compete with in the green field?Brief introduction:

He was once ridiculed by the world, a shameless illegitimate child, and a pair of bizarre gay parents!
He is the best young coach in Europe and has achieved a staggeringly outstanding record!
He is the most mysterious boss. For many years, people didn’t know it was him!
“He is the brother who loves me the most and belongs only to me!”
“I am who I am, in the football world, who can compete with me!”

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