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Zhan Sui

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category Historicauthor MengZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6068618 Wordslatest update 2024-05-13
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Zhan SuiBrief introduction:

Why did the Sui Dynasty suddenly collapse?  Was Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty a coward?  Why did the Shandong rebels rise in large numbers?  Why can't Zhang Xutuo turn the tide?  Li Mi rose to prominence in the Central Plains. Why did he suddenly fall during his heyday?  Among the heroes fighting for hegemony, why was Li Tang the winner?  All the secrets are in "War of Sui".

      Keywords:Zhan Sui MengZi Zhan SuiRead the full text Zhan SuiTXT download

      Zhan Suilatest chapter:Text Chapter 1,335 History has changed

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