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bandit chieftain

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category Romanceauthor ChengRenYinJistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 93309 Wordslatest update 2024-05-12
total hits 20Month hits 0Week hits 0
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bandit chieftainBrief introduction:

A pride, two sleeves breeze.
Fight on the battlefield and look down on the world.
The heroes of ancient times were unsuccessful without being angry.
??As long as a man is alive, his blood will never fade away.
The young man named Mule came to the city like a bandit coming down from the mountains, with everlasting pride.
Since you have chosen a distant place, you only care about the journey through wind and rain. On the road to the future, you will either be lonely or mediocre.
This bandit named Mule wants to make a big mess.

      Keywords:bandit chieftain ChengRenYinJi bandit chieftainRead the full text bandit chieftainTXT download

      bandit chieftainlatest chapter:Text Chapter 023 Human Comedy

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