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King of cards

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category Comicsauthor FeiRstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 323937 Wordslatest update 2024-05-12
total hits 21Month hits 0Week hits 0
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King of cardsBrief introduction:

The ruler says: I have the king card in my hand, and I own the world.
What is a king card?  Have you ever seen the king, the one who can kill everything in one pair?
Well, I’ve traveled through time, and what I’m going to tell you here is the story of card training, which has nothing to do with Landlords!
PS: Three Kingdoms, my name is MT, Magic: The Gathering, King Arthur, Hearthstone, there is nothing you want to see, what is there is just a hodgepodge of them!
PS2: Those who read this book will get one of the following attributes: high-end and classy, ??low-key luxury and connotation, unrestrained and foreign style with depth, crazy and cool.

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