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legendary agent

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category Comicsauthor JuXiChengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3237136 Wordslatest update 2024-05-12
total hits 17Month hits 0Week hits 0
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legendary agentBrief introduction:

Ukhlin, the meritorious Czech football coach, said angrily: "Rister? He is the biggest cancer in Czech football. UEFA should ban him from football."
However, just a few days after Ukhlin criticized List, Czech Football Association Chairman Pavel Merkli awarded List a special contribution award on behalf of the Czech Football Association in recognition of List's contribution to Czech football.
This is the story of an agent.
? is the story of a Czech super agent.
Look at the story of how he went from a small agent in the Czech Republic to a powerful super agent in European football.

      Keywords:legendary agent JuXiCheng legendary agentRead the full text legendary agentTXT download

      legendary agentlatest chapter:Volume 3 Or Leap into the Abyss 702 End

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