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super summoning space

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category Romanceauthor LiJiaLaoDianstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3697805 Wordslatest update 2024-05-12
total hits 21Month hits 0Week hits 0
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super summoning spaceBrief introduction:

Ho Tung, who was abandoned by his girlfriend, suddenly took on the aura of the protagonist and unexpectedly got a pet summoning space where he could summon mysterious pets.
The talents of pets will become Ho Tung's talents, and the skills of pets will also become Ho Tung's skills. With the talents and skills of many pets integrated into himself, Ho Tung will no longer be able to keep a low profile even if he wants to.

      Keywords:super summoning space LiJiaLaoDian super summoning spaceRead the full text super summoning spaceTXT download

      super summoning spacelatest chapter:Text Chapter 947. New World

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