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Brothers who have been together in those years

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category Romanceauthor WeiJiestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5596352 Wordslatest update 2024-05-12
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Brothers who have been together in those yearsBrief introduction:

I would like to write this book to commemorate the lost years of youth.  The brothers who had been together in those years are now on separate sides.  Some marry wives and have children!  Some are sitting in jail!  Some people have different paths!  The author uses the first perspective to describe that absurd era and that restless youth.  (297399287 official group 1, 500 people, everyone is welcome to join the group for discussion)

      Keywords:Brothers who have been together in those years WeiJie Brothers who have been together in those yearsRead the full text Brothers who have been together in those yearsTXT download

      Brothers who have been together in those yearslatest chapter:Tiger Crouching on the Barren Hill Chapter 590 No one answered the phone!

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