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category Romanceauthor LangXiangRustatus serializing
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RebelliousBrief introduction:

"Fog Raven" Zhang Shun is in bad luck!
The power was taken away and he became nothing;
In order to fill his stomach and eat, he inexplicably signed a contract that said that if he broke the contract, he would be "struck by lightning from heaven";
After working as a "three-guard" (security guard, bodyguard, and nanny) in a weird little hotel, I discovered that this job was incredibly dangerous. None of my predecessors had survived more than a hundred days;
The ability to save one’s life has been lost. Although one possesses extremely high talents, the body meridians of the superhuman are so different from those of ordinary people that there is no way to practice cultivation;
In order to survive and break the 100-day record, Zhang Shun tremblingly embarked on a path of reverse beast cultivation.
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      Rebelliouslatest chapter:Text Chapter 200 [Final Chapter] Ares, God of War

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