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Life on Earth with the Female Elf

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category Fantasyauthor LiJiaChengGongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2544809 Wordslatest update 2024-05-11
total hits 20Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Life on Earth with the Female ElfBrief introduction:

Once upon a time, they were great heroes in their own planes.  Now, they succumb to the clutches of the earth.
Once upon a time, she was a great blood elf death knight.  Now, she is the ultimate useless person with a heart for the sun and the moon, and she sheds tears every day because she cannot clear the dungeon.
The earth is very scary. No matter how great a hero is, he can only look at his panda claws and keyboard in melancholy, and cry endlessly as the voice of "Enemy Team Super God" comes to his ears.
"I once fought against the Lich King and killed countless zombies" - I am obviously telling the truth, so why do a group of people say that I am second-rate?  Elementary school student?
Crazy?  This is Sparta!  ——Uh, no, this is the earth!
The family is surrounded by several aliens...

      Keywords:Life on Earth with the Female Elf LiJiaChengGong Life on Earth with the Female ElfRead the full text Life on Earth with the Female ElfTXT download

      Life on Earth with the Female Elflatest chapter:Volume 1 466 The Song of Katyusha

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