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Throne of Hell

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category Romanceauthor YiRanWangQingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 480709 Wordslatest update 2024-05-05
total hits 16Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Throne of HellBrief introduction:

After his soul mutated, Li Muran gained the ability to see and communicate with ghosts. He could also travel between the yin and yang realms with his soul, accept various commissions from those ghosts, and have the opportunity to obtain some of their abilities. He could also travel between yin and yang.  The two circles do some mutual trade.
As Ksitigarbha's agent during his reincarnation, Li Muran has a lot to do. In addition to changing the world and himself, Li Muran also has to find ways to solve various problems that have been accumulated in hell for many years and strive to become a  Excellent Throne of Hell, well, although it is only temporary!

      Keywords:Throne of Hell YiRanWangQing Throne of HellRead the full text Throne of HellTXT download

      Throne of Helllatest chapter:Text Chapter 156, Qingcheng Mountain

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