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Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Xiliang Iron Cavalry最新章节列表,Xiliang Iron Cavalry全文阅读

category Historicauthor DuanYaLustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3463615 Wordslatest update 2024-05-04
total hits 20Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Xiliang Iron CavalryBrief introduction:

In the Three Kingdoms, where heroes are like a forest and advisers are like a rain, how do ordinary modern people stand out and become warlords? Then they wipe out the heroes, conquer the world, and achieve the immortal emperor's cause!
Wherever the iron cavalry passes, all sides will surrender; defeat the heroes and unify the country!
All the excitement is in "Xiliang Iron Cavalry"!  !  !

      Keywords:Xiliang Iron Cavalry DuanYaLu Xiliang Iron CavalryRead the full text Xiliang Iron CavalryTXT download

      Xiliang Iron Cavalrylatest chapter:Text Chapter 7: New training methods

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