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Imperial Duke

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category Romanceauthor DangNianYeHunGuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 446226 Wordslatest update 2024-05-04
total hits 19Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Imperial DukeBrief introduction:

Wang Tianshi, a young tomb robber, accidentally obtained the inheritance of a vampire;
From then on, the ordinary young man has been sublimated from knowledge to soul;
He saw through the forged and flawless antiques at a glance;
His forged ancient paintings by famous artists deceived the master appraiser;
??Why is the beautiful tutor so attracted to him?
??Why does the beautiful demon-hunting woman fight alongside him?
Wang Tianshi, who swore not to suck human blood, obtained a spiritual cultivation method. From then on, antique calligraphy and paintings containing spiritual energy became his food. See how he went from a low-level baby vampire to overcoming obstacles and becoming an emperor legend.
Vampires can cultivate themselves, even gods are not afraid of them!

      Keywords:Imperial Duke DangNianYeHunGuo Imperial DukeRead the full text Imperial DukeTXT download

      Imperial Dukelatest chapter:Volume 1 Awakening Chapter 105 Baby please turn around

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