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The mighty man

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category Historicauthor ShenLan2000status serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 450491 Wordslatest update 2024-05-04
total hits 26Month hits 1Week hits 0
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The mighty manBrief introduction:

Under the Bora sand, the clothing storms the fearless courage of Qin;
On the shore of Zhang River, the heroic spirit of "Three thousand Vietnamese troops can swallow up Wu";
At the foot of Lishan Mountain, at the Hongmen Banquet, Fan Kuai’s bravery has been passed down through the ages;
In front of the general stage, Han Xin’s unpredictable wisdom said, “The more generals, the better”;
In the yellow sand of the desert, the ancient feat of attacking the Xiongnu three thousand miles north;
By the rolling Wujiang River, the earth-moving tragic song of "He was born as a hero, but died as a ghost";
??The one emperor through the ages who eliminated the evils forever and expanded the territory thousands of miles;

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