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Hunting around the world

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category Historicauthor BaYuYiSustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 660143 Wordslatest update 2024-05-04
total hits 22Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Hunting around the worldBrief introduction:

The Chinese nation, which was annihilated by the powerful ships and cannons of the great powers, has risen strongly; the Yanhuang people, who have been oppressed and humiliated by Western foreign aggression, should straighten their backs; the development of human science and technology will be led by the Chinese; the last feast of the great voyage and colonial era, the great  China makes the strongest voice!  The humiliation once imposed on China must be repaid a hundred times!  History will be rewritten at this moment!

      Keywords:Hunting around the world BaYuYiSu Hunting around the worldRead the full text Hunting around the worldTXT download

      Hunting around the worldlatest chapter:Volume 1: The First Ming of the Young Phoenix, Chapter 146: Small Fight or Big Fight

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