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NegotiatorBrief introduction:

"Master, what is love?"
"Well, let me give you an analogy. You have a meat bun, and the girl you like also has a meat bun. If you are in love with her, then she has two meat buns."
"It's so terrible! Then what is marriage?"
"Well, that's even scarier. You have to find a way to earn more meat buns. In that case, your wife will only occasionally reward you with a meat bun."
"But... is there any way for me to eat two meat buns?"
"You finally figured it out, then try to become a playboy."
"Master, why doesn't this sound like a good person's title to me?"
"Silly boy, you are thinking too much. That is a secular term, a slang term. We have a written title, that is, a master negotiator..."

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      Negotiatorlatest chapter:Text 145 Zhengrong

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