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official doctor

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category Romanceauthor GeYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 473730 Wordslatest update 2024-05-04
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official doctorBrief introduction:

Deputy County Magistrate Luo Zhiyuan was reborn and returned to the point in his life 22 years ago.
At that time, a major case suddenly occurred, the situation changed suddenly, and the great turmoil mixed with conspiracy and murderous intent happened again.
In order to change the fateful situation of his family being destroyed, he worked step by step, went upstream, and skillfully used ancestral medical skills to uncover the secret of his life experience.
Breaking out of the turbulent and intricate whirlpool of traps, the curve of fate bottomed out.
In this life, he is a miraculous doctor who hides behind the scenes and does not seek fame or fortune. He is a strong man in officialdom who bravely takes the lead and turns the tide.
"Doctors heal people, officials heal the country; both sides have their sources, and the road leads to the sky."
We have completed six works including "High Officials", "Guansheng", "Officials and Businessmen in the Prosperous Age", and "Tian Tang", with more than 10 million words, and are guaranteed to be high-quality works.  Readership: 256477787

      Keywords:official doctor GeYu official doctorRead the full text official doctorTXT download

      official doctorlatest chapter:Volume 1: Abandoning the Fetters, Chapter 0197: A Wonderful Flower

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