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Great World Honored One

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category Fantasyauthor MoWustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2891453 Wordslatest update 2024-05-10
total hits 22Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Great World Honored OneBrief introduction:

From a young man who just left a small town, determined to practice martial arts, and return to his hometown to fight hard, to step by step onto the pinnacle of all worlds, and become the most powerful person in the world, Lin Qing discovered that everything is most useful only if he relies on himself.
People have three souls, the heaven soul, the earth soul, and the life soul.
Only when the three souls are still empty can we understand nature, change our destiny against heaven, and live forever.
Magic weapon, chance, origin... everything is just external. The truly strongest person is because he has the strongest heart.
(This book is exclusively published on Chuangshi Chinese website, the group number is 190488480, please support it.)

      Keywords:Great World Honored One MoWu Great World Honored OneRead the full text Great World Honored OneTXT download

      Great World Honored Onelatest chapter:Volume 1: The Battle of Taiyuan Chapter 325: Commerce Before Fighting

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