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Galaxy Emperor

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category Fantasyauthor MengRuShenJistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5385592 Wordslatest update 2024-05-10
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Galaxy EmperorBrief introduction:

When humans began to enter the Galaxy Age, ancient practices took on new vitality.
Practice will never go out of style in any era.
In the Diamond Sutra, Subhuti asked Sakyamuni, "If you want to become a Buddha, how can you subdue your mind?"
"One sentence can express the true meaning of spiritual practice. Four words can subdue one's mind."
The mind has vast psychic powers, so Sun Wukong is also called the Mind Monkey.  Everyone's heart is like a Sun Wukong. If you surrender the monkey mind, you can defeat the Buddha in a battle.
In the Emperor of the Galaxy, the dream machine will explain to you the true meaning of practice.

      Keywords:Galaxy Emperor MengRuShenJi Galaxy EmperorRead the full text Galaxy EmperorTXT download

      Galaxy Emperorlatest chapter:Text Chapter 1059 Eternal Appearance

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