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Black Iron Castle

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category Sci-fiauthor ZuiHustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 10209971 Wordslatest update 2024-05-10
total hits 19Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Black Iron CastleBrief introduction:

After the cataclysm, all the rules in the world were rewritten. The Black Iron Age came. Steel, steam, and force became the biggest reliance on human beings for survival. A miserable green boy who just wanted to eat and wait for death was confused and was...  The God of Destiny kicked him hard on the butt. The boy screamed, rolled, and plunged into the torrent of the infinite vast continent...

      Keywords:Black Iron Castle ZuiHu Black Iron CastleRead the full text Black Iron CastleTXT download

      Black Iron Castlelatest chapter:Volume 14 Volume 43 Chapter 3 Carrying heavy responsibilities

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