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Rebirth of the Republic Peers

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category Romanceauthor YouShiHuTustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 913186 Wordslatest update 2024-05-02
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Rebirth of the Republic PeersBrief introduction:

Chu Mingqiu finally got his wish and became a rich and handsome man, but he never thought that the rich and handsome man of this era would have another name: Black Five Categories!  The fantasy life of taking a dog and a bodyguard and going out on the streets to tease young girls and young wives has burst like a soap bubble.
Chu Mingqiu can only struggle step by step on his own. He will have endless fun fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, and having endless fun fighting with others!
Darkroom planning, conspiracy!  Bloody killings, bruises all over the body!
The beauty is charming and the scenery is endless!
Everything is in "Rebirth of the Republic"!  !  !

      Keywords:Rebirth of the Republic Peers YouShiHuTu Rebirth of the Republic PeersRead the full text Rebirth of the Republic PeersTXT download

      Rebirth of the Republic Peerslatest chapter:Volume 1 Qizi Chapter 144 Sudden Rumors

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