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My monastic life

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category Fantasyauthor XiaoXiaoShengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 257839 Wordslatest update 2024-05-02
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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My monastic lifeBrief introduction:

When a friend took it upon himself to help me find a job with "five insurances and one housing fund"...
I can’t help but smile!
Especially for pension insurance, if I start receiving pension according to the legal age, I don’t know how many years or hundreds of years I will receive it?  Or thousands of years?  It’s outrageous to think about.
I am a Taoist on the road to immortality.

      Keywords:My monastic life XiaoXiaoSheng My monastic lifeRead the full text My monastic lifeTXT download

      My monastic lifelatest chapter:Volume 1 Chapter 66 New Life

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