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The most powerful evolution in history

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category Fantasyauthor LiangFeiFanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3779556 Wordslatest update 2024-05-10
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The most powerful evolution in historyBrief introduction:

The virus broke out and most humans turned into zombies, while Luo Hong and a handful of people became super soldiers, continuing the fire of humanity.
With the passage of time, some strange things were revealed. There were hidden UFO wreckage, ancient books left by "immortals", and even Luo Hong encountered a skull that could talk hundreds of millions of years ago...  It seems like this is a fairy tale, but everything is not that simple...
How Luo Hong completed the strongest evolution and reached the top.  Let me tell you slowly.
? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      Keywords:The most powerful evolution in history LiangFeiFan The most powerful evolution in historyRead the full text The most powerful evolution in historyTXT download

      The most powerful evolution in historylatest chapter:Text Volume 6 Small Thousand Worlds 245 Robbery

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