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galactic nobles

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category Sci-fiauthor AoErLiangKaoXunYuBaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6501902 Wordslatest update 2024-05-01
total hits 15Month hits 1Week hits 0
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galactic noblesBrief introduction:

Under the starry sky of the great era, trade conflicts, interstellar hegemony, competition for resources, and conflicts between nobles have become more and more intense.
This is the best era, she allows people to have dreams.  But this was also the worst of times, when everyone with their ideals was buried one after another.
Lin Hai, a young man from the slums, pierced this era with his heartless and unruly attitude, like a sharp knife.
Every man has the starry sky and the sea buried in his heart.
So there should be some heroes in this world.

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