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training queen

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category Historicauthor QingLestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3496653 Wordslatest update 2024-05-10
total hits 16Month hits 1Week hits 0
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training queenBrief introduction:

Queen is a very upright adjective. Anyone who wants to be wrong should face the wall on their own.
I am a time-traveling slut, a good slut, and a real slut. I don’t discount what I say, and I definitely don’t treat myself badly when I do things.
My sister was picked up by the Lolita Emperor, so I had to take revenge and decided to pick up his sister.  Then, cultivate this soft girl into a generation of queen...

      Keywords:training queen QingLe training queenRead the full text training queenTXT download

      training queenlatest chapter:Volume 1, Chapter 520: Hands caressing the skin of a jade woman, talking about astronomical knowledg

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