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Foggy City Detectivecategory | Romance | author | JueMoWo | status | serializing |
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Have fun with the best lifeBrief introduction:
Before the age of eighteen, Zhang Shidong was defined by his teachers as incorrigible and a headache that kept his parents awake at night.
From the age of eighteen to twenty-four, Zhang Shidong became a fragment of scattered memories in the minds of many people. He was sent to serve in the army by his father. For six years, he wrote only a few letters.
"At the age of twenty-four, Zhang Shidong returned to his hometown with his luggage on his back. With the capital of a proud life, he could easily enjoy the city, enjoy the best life, and enjoy the best life.
Note: Brother Dong has completed his six-year struggle and returned to the city to enjoy life. Those who give you teeth will be broken; those who pretend to be pretentious will be stepped on. Life is about having fun and having fun. People say that the second generation is the best now, so work hard to help your father become a dragon. Breaking or trampling is a serious matter, please proceed with caution!
Keywords:Have fun with the best life JueMoWo Have fun with the best lifeRead the full text Have fun with the best lifeTXT download
Have fun with the best lifelatest chapter:Text Chapter 1141: Speak with fists
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