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sword brake

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category Fantasyauthor FangKaiNaZhiNvWangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 812602 Wordslatest update 2024-05-01
total hits 17Month hits 2Week hits 0
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

sword brakeBrief introduction:

I have a sword flying across the sky, and it will arrive in an instant!
I have the Ten Directions Sword Technique, which can shape eternity!
The first sword tactic kills with one blow, the second sword tactic follows like a shadow, the third sword tactic has three rings surrounding the moon, the fourth sword tactic is surrounded by enemies on all sides, the fifth sword tactic has five stars in a row... The tenth sword tactic is destroyed in all directions!
With the sword in your hand, a moment is eternity!

      Keywords:sword brake FangKaiNaZhiNvWang sword brakeRead the full text sword brakeTXT download

      sword brakelatest chapter:Volume 2 Family Storm 189 Heading to the Sword Tomb

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