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category Fantasyauthor CanJianAAAAstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4161166 Wordslatest update 2024-05-01
total hits 17Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Super optimizedBrief introduction:

Extract the special abilities of animals and achieve your own success.  An ordinary modern young man awakened his third eye and gained special abilities after being abandoned by his wife!  Ants can lift objects 400 times their own weight, fleas can jump 350 times their body length, geckos' severed limbs can regrow in a short time, eagles can see mice 10 kilometers away, and chameleons' skin can change.  Color, and some creatures can hibernate and not eat for decades or hundreds of years... The special abilities of these creatures are all his talents!

      Keywords:Super optimized CanJianAAAA Super optimizedRead the full text Super optimizedTXT download

      Super optimizedlatest chapter:Text Chapter 637 Qingming Festival

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