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red power

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category Romanceauthor LuShiCanJunstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3047624 Wordslatest update 2024-04-30
total hits 23Month hits 0Week hits 0
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red powerBrief introduction:

After rebirth, he has the red positive energy, but wants to marry the richest woman in capitalist society. Will the east wind prevail over the west wind, or the west wind overtake the east wind?
People are like this, and so is the world.  Let's see how he stages a red counterattack on a global scale!
Suitable for both refined and popular tastes, suitable for all ages
Products produced by joining the army must be high-quality products

      Keywords:red power LuShiCanJun red powerRead the full text red powerTXT download

      red powerlatest chapter:Volume 5: The Five Sacred Mountains are Light, Chapter 181: Your Circle is Really Chaos

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