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Secret Thirteen

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category Historicauthor YeBanWeiFengZhiLaoGuistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2152802 Wordslatest update 2024-04-29
total hits 32Month hits 1Week hits 1
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Secret ThirteenBrief introduction:

Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Zhanji died young, and the nine-year-old prince Zhu Qizhen ascended the throne. From then on, a legendary story began.  The people of heaven and earth are of the same lineage, and the three brothers with different surnames stir up the world.  Inside and outside the palace, political conspiracies abound, and the battlefield is full of bloodshed.  Ghost hunters, onmyojis, fortune tellers, and the grudges and grudges between generations of the ghost-eating clan.  A period of great changes in the Ming Dynasty caused by the people of heaven and earth, a great change in the world from 1436 to 1476.  Why are there three emperors in four reigns?  What kind of group are the people of heaven and earth?  What is Secret Thirteen?  Let the old ghost tell you about the ups and downs that have happened in the past forty years, and uncover a legendary story in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. The previously unknown history is waiting for you... QQ communication group for this book  The following are Yingmei 78907169, Taotie 286376702, Shang Yang 289170357, Xuhua 289169806, Jinghua 135625403, Shuiyue 232795356, Aoyin 202034165, Chaos 162755036. Please choose the group according to your preference for the group name.

      Keywords:Secret Thirteen YeBanWeiFengZhiLaoGui Secret ThirteenRead the full text Secret ThirteenTXT download

      Secret Thirteenlatest chapter:Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 143: The Emperor Guards the Country

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