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Jian Ao Xing Qiong

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category Fantasyauthor YeSaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2330436 Wordslatest update 2024-04-29
total hits 38Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Jian Ao Xing QiongBrief introduction:

The swordsman!  Above heaven and earth!  Bu Qu, with one man and one sword, defeated the whole world and stood tall in the sky!  The Star Lord is reborn, turning the clouds upside down, commanding the wind and clouds, and subverting the continent!  Divine swords, famous swords, and demon swords were born one after another, causing a catastrophe of swords... Cultivation levels: mortal, metamorphosis, hundred calamities, innate, sky-controlling, human emperor, soul ancestor, saint, supreme...

      Keywords:Jian Ao Xing Qiong YeSai Jian Ao Xing QiongRead the full text Jian Ao Xing QiongTXT download

      Jian Ao Xing Qionglatest chapter:Chapter 0073 Spiritual Eye (Second Update)

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