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remnant robe

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category Fantasyauthor FengYuJiuQiustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2495732 Wordslatest update 2024-04-27
total hits 114Month hits 0Week hits 0
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remnant robeBrief introduction:

He lived in the war-torn Republic of China. Although he possessed peerless Taoism, he was not a Taoist priest. He wandered on the edge of good and evil. Accompanying him was an old cat that escaped from an ancient tomb. To be precise, it was not a cat.  , but no one knows what it is.  **Canpao has six major characteristics, the Taoism is more realistic, the suspense is thicker, the emotion is deeper, the technique is more detailed, the foreshadowing is further, and the taste is heavier** @@Canpao is my peak work, with painstaking efforts, breaking the cauldron, and content  It stands up to scrutiny and welcomes even the most demanding readers.  @@

      Keywords:remnant robe FengYuJiuQiu remnant robeRead the full text remnant robeTXT download

      remnant robelatest chapter:Volume 1 Immortal Ghost Cat Finale Remarks

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