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Yu Zui

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category Romanceauthor ChangShuXinstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6957677 Wordslatest update 2024-04-27
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Yu ZuiBrief introduction:

A senior member of the police force told me: Compassion does not lead to soldiers, and kindness does not serve the police.  Good people cannot be policemen, because kindness looks like a ridiculous cowardice to those who commit crimes.
I am unfortunately neither a kind nor a cowardly person. Those strange crimes and all kinds of criminals have become a part of my life.  I had to think like them, I had to act like them, because I was racking my brains all the time to figure out how to catch them.
My name is Yu Zui, I am a criminal police officer, this is my story, a confused, confused, impulsive and intense story...

      Keywords:Yu Zui ChangShuXin Yu ZuiRead the full text Yu ZuiTXT download

      Yu Zuilatest chapter:Chapter 489: Inferior Skills

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