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category Romanceauthor TaXiangDeDengHuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6406623 Wordslatest update 2024-04-29
total hits 26Month hits 0Week hits 0
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official website worldBrief introduction:

The Diaoyu Islands will always belong to the Chinese!
Rational and patriotic!  Boycott Japanese goods!
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Xiang Ning, the prince and the general Xiang Ning Ning!
Liu Feng discovered that he had the ability to predict the future of his partner, but it was a pity that this ability------
Could it be worse than Duan Yu’s Six Meridians Divine Sword?
Liu Feng relied on his intelligence and wisdom to trek through the thorny officialdom.
Weave your own network and move towards glory step by step!
This is the struggle history of a little person!
Strong recommendation: "The Ultimate Evil Master" by the Lonely Prodigal Son is an excellent book!  "The Mystery of the Ancient Tomb", "The Guide Sword", "The Cynical Master of the City", "The Evil Way of Hunyuan", "The Divine Mirror", "The God of War Breaks the Way of Heaven", "The City of Steel" and "Super Intelligence"

      Keywords:official website world TaXiangDeDengHuo official website worldRead the full text official website worldTXT download

      official website worldlatest chapter:Text Chapter 914 Vocational School

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